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Every competitive sport has a ranking system that enables players and fans to know, "Who is the best?", after all, the idea of competition is to establish an order based on ability and results. The AFGL Tour is the Pro FootGolf League in the U.S., it has 6 separate rankings with the same number of points in each category:
Men 18 and over, Senior Men 46 and older, Senior Men Plus 56 and older, Women 18 and older , Women 46 and older and FootGolf Clubs in the AFGL First Division. Juniors under 18 years old can participate in the Men 18-45, or Women 18-45 categories with an exemption. Ranking Points are valid for the AFGL Tour, FIFG North American Tour, and FIFG World Tour.


Players must have their registration paid before the start date of the tournament to obtain points in the competition.
For a tournament that meets full point allocation requirements, the AFGL Tour Players will receive Ranking Points valid for the AFGL Tour 2024/25.
The AFGL Tour 2024/25 will not mimic the FIFG World Tour. Points, format, and guidelines may look similar, but are separate from FIFG World Tour.
Additionally, tournaments may not have the same points for the FIFG World Tour 2024 or 2025 as the AFGL Tour 2024/25, tournament rules and guidelines may also differ.
AFGL Ranking Points from where international players compete: the best AFGL affiliated player will receive the top points regardless of his/her position in the tournament after international players have been removed.

All positions will be awarded 92% of the points received by the preceding position. Ties of the first 3 positions will be broken by a playoff.
AFGL Tour 2024/25 will consist of 17 Stops around the country for total available points of 3,100*
*Subject to change if additional tournaments are added or cancelled.

The Clubs ranking will run separate from the other rankings. It will take the top 4 ranked players from the Men category, the top 2 player from Senior category and the top 1 player from Women category to comprise the AFGL Club Ranking. Club ranking will be calculated from Men, Senior and Women players. Points will be awarded accordingly.
Only FootGolf Clubs in the First Division of the American FootGolf League will be able to be ranked.
Players in all categories can represent their clubs at "The Nationals" from the same tees. See more HERE
AFGL Tour Ranking points for each player will be calculated as the sum of the best scores from the following AFGL Tour 2024/25 tournaments:
6 AFGL-100
2 AFGL-250
2 AFGL-500
1 AFGL-1000
Total Points: 3,100


Regional Tour:
1 - FIFG Major 1000
2 - FIFG 500's
3 - FIFG 250's
4 - FIFG 100's
Total Points: 3,150
Region 1 Ranking points for each player will be calculated as the sum of the BEST SCORES from the following Region 1 tournaments for 2025
The Regional Tour runs on an annual basis based on the calendar year.
World Tour:
1 - FIFG Masters 1000
2 - FIFG Majors 1000. (Only one max per region)
3 - FIFG 500's
4 - FIFG 250's
Total Points: 5500
World Tour Ranking points for each player will be calculated as the sum of the Best Scores from the following World Tour tournaments for 2025. The World Tour runs on an annual basis based on the calendar year, starting January 1st and ending December 31st.
*Although the same tournament may have AFGL Tour, FIFG Regional Tour and FIFG World Tour points, the points may not count for the same season. (example: in 2025 a tournament played in July-Dec. will count for the 2025 Regional and World Tour points, but will count for the 2025/26 AFGL Tour season.)