My name is Jerry Michalsky and I am from Baytown, Texas. I have never played soccer before but I started kicking a football barefooted when I was six-years old. I have played football off and on for 25 years and played semi-pro and arena football from 2003-2018. I finished with 702 career points and eight all-star games with two MVP trophies to go along with that. My career ended due to a neck surgery in July 2018 and I was lost without football. In May of 2019, I saw a clip on FootGolf and was intrigued. I started playing just to get some exercise in and the competitive side of me took over and I fell in love with the sport in a matter of minutes.
There are two courses in my area. Evergreen Golf Course which is the first course I ever played and is about 10 minutes from my house and Humble SportsPlex which is about 45 minutes from me. After my venture out to buy a soccer ball, I then preceded to Evergreen to see what this was all about. I was very lost, but I knew anything using my leg to kick a ball was something I could do. My first round was a little rough but I liked what I saw. As I started to play more and get better I then realized I found my new calling card.
As I started to have fun with FootGolf and get better I then discovered the best part of the game. The relationships and friends I have built in such a short time cannot be matched! What I have discovered that FootGolf is one big family and it became more evident when I traveled to Memphis and played in my first AFGL Event. I finished 3rd in all three events and during the second event I even had a playoff for second. I never imagined that in my first event I would bring home third place and three medals. I have also played in two tournaments in Austin and took home a fourth place in the overall division and a third place with scores of 56 and 57.
I do not have many events to my credit as I am still a rookie to the sport but I plan on changing all of that in 2021. I am here for the long haul and I am hoping to make some noise in this sport but I also have started to promote the game and I recently did a story on Humble SportsPlex. I will do everything I can in being a good ambassador for the game.
In closing I would like to say I am excited about the future and getting to travel to play at different courses around the United States and the World. Looking forward to my next challenge.

Joined in 2020