My name is David Andler. I began playing soccer at age 6. It became an obsession, and during my teens I traveled the southeast for my high school and various select teams, with hopes of turning pro. Just after arriving to Washington, DC to start college at GWU, I made the tough choice to instead pursue a music career. After graduation, I toured the world as a drummer in rock & punk bands, ultimately using some royalties to found Morphius Records, which I continue to run today.
In my late 20’s I returned to soccer for the love of the game, playing weekly pickup & teaching the game to at-risk kids, before switching over to indoor soccer, which I played competitively in Baltimore for more than a decade until a shattered collarbone during a game at Du Burns Indoor Arena ended my career. Fortunately, about 5 years earlier, I'd re-discovered the game of golf, which I’d learned from my dad as a young child.
Fast forward 6 years to an email from with the words “Footgolf Scramble.” I’d never heard of the sport and had barely kicked a ball since my injury, but the email caught my attention. On the morning of the tournament, I was not only there but by some stroke of fortune my winning foursome team included Nathan Shuey. That morning I also met Steve Liberto (whose argyle socks looked positively insane!). The following May, I headed to Carroll Park to play my first solo round. Immediately I was hooked – playing 4 more rounds that week and a month later catching a ride to Crystal Springs to play my first tournament (with Nate & Steve). Two months later, we’d co-founded Maryland Footgolf Club.
Over the next 3 years, I've spent many hours on the course practicing (often with my daughter @lilkicks either "caddying" from her stroller or playing with me), and honing my skills in tournaments, highlights including: 24 podium finishes in AFGL/FIFG competitions, with ten 1st Place finishes; being named U.S. National Champion 2019, Senior Category; representing Team USA in both the 2018 World Cup in Marrakech and the 2019 Jansen Cup @Celtic Manor; playing for the AFGL All Stars in the First Battle of the Border @Vista Vallarta; and finishing as the #9 Senior Worldwide in 2019 and qualifying for the Japan Footgolf World Cup… thereby earning an extra spot for Team USA!
It’s been amazing playing footgolf around the world…in USA, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, England, Wales, and Morocco. I can’t wait to add to that list and hope to extend my undefeated record in international matchplay.

11th Place
7th Place

First Battle
Mexico 2019


Open 2019
5th Place
Open 2019
3rd Place
Open 2019
1st Place


Open de
Espana 2018
T-9 Place
Open de
Portugal 2018
5th Place
Open de
Italia 2019
27th Place
Open de
France 2019
12th Place
UK Open 2019
27th Place
The International
UK 2019
5th Place

Bronze Medal
Team USA

Senior Category

Second Edition
UK 2019
15th Place
1st Place
5th Place

Joined in 2017
